Monday, December 14, 2009

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Our Lady of Loreto

Monte Grande celebrates its Santa

The history of Santa

Santa Barbara was born in Nicomedia (now or Ismita Kocaeli in Turkey) in 273 AD. His private life, intent to study, work and prayer, the girl described as barbaric, that is not Roman. It was a name of contempt. E 'is the name we received from his own. Between 286-287 Santa Barbara moved to the country villa as his father Scandriglia Dioscoro, fanatical pagan, was a collaborator of the emperor Maximian Herculean. The latter had given him rich and vast estates in Sabina. Dioscoro a tower built to defend and protect Barbara during his absences. The original project consisted of two windows which turned three (in reference to the Cross) as per the wish of the girl. It was also built a beautiful pool in the shape of the Cross. Both the window and the bath were nothing more than symbols of Christianity to which she had converted. Tradition says that right in the tub Barbara was baptized for the vision of St. John the Baptist. The body is venerated in Santa Barbara, since 1009 in the Venetian church of S. John the Baptist in Torcello. The relic of the skull was kept, the first in a wooden chest and then in a metal, in the church of S. Barbara of the Library. With the removal the parish of St. Barbara, which took place September 15, 1594, the relic was brought to San Lorenzo in Damaso. The reliquary of silver, partly gilded silver and bronze, is attributable to the first half of the sixteenth century. The Diario Romano (1926) tells S. Mary Traspontina, in the altar dedicated to her, a fragment of an arm. Some famous relics of St. Barbara are stored in a box set of the twelfth century, Treasury of St. Giovanni in Laterano. The town of Santa Barbara ( In the middle of the Cilento, the slopes of Monte Sacro, along the banks of the river Bruca. The sources they want it arose at the hands of Italian-Greek monks from the East fleeing from persecution. The birth of the town is almost certain, to be moved further back in time, namely the ancient period. The Focei, in fact, used to trace what is today called the "Salt road" looking for wood to feed their yards and, in one of these trips, probably settled on the banks of rivers and Bruca Palistro. The starting point for the history of safe small town is 1005. It goes back to that year, a diploma with which the Prince of Salerno Guáimaro III gave the abbot of the monastery of Cava Santa Barbara. The highlight of Santa Barbara was the church named after the patron saint "Church of St. Elijah the prophet." Today this is no longer visible. On the afternoon of February 22, 1958, in fact, lightning struck the bell tower that fell on the church also demolished some years later. In memory of the fallen church, but mostly as a devotion to the protection given to their children in the country on February 22 is celebrated Santa Barbara.

The festival in Argentina

A Monte Grande for years the same name in Santa association celebrates its sanctuary dedicated to her. In a beautiful sunny day Sunday, December 6, devotees gathered for the traditional procession, followed by the Eucharistic celebration. The missionary Scalabrian praised Santa Barbara primarily as patron saint of miners, remembering his office with the great works of the Italian firm "Ghella," which is being made to rehabilitate the river Maldonado. The company has in fact already begun to dig huge tunnels from below the city to reach parts of the city suffering for years the problem of flooding. The miners, engineers and the Italian company has always had as a patron of Santa Barbara.
Devotees of Santa Barbara have felt proud of this project, there is a credit to Argentina. After the Holy Mass was followed by lunch, accompanied by a good Italian music and dancing.

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San Justo celebrate the Madonna di Loreto

The shrine of Loreto preserves, according to ancient tradition, the House of Nazareth Madonna. The earthly dwelling of Mary of Nazareth was made up of two parts: a cave dug into the rock, which is still venerated in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, and a stone house in front.
According to tradition, in 1291, when the crusaders were finally expelled from Palestine by the loss of the Port of Accona, the brick house of the Virgin carried you, "for angelic ministry, first in Illyria and then in territory of Loreto (December 10, 1294).
Today, according to new guidance documents, results of archaeological excavations in the subsurface of S, House (1962-65) and philological studies and iconography, is increasingly confirming the hypothesis that the stones of the Holy House were transported to Loreto by ship, to human initiative.
John Paul II in his Letter to the VII Centenary of Loreto, addressed to Mgr. Pasquale Macchi, Archbishop of Loreto, 15 August 1993, wrote: "The Holy House of Loreto is not just a relic, but also a precious icon Concrete" (No. 2).
E 'relic because it is "rest", that is what remains of the house of Mary of Nazareth. E 'icon for it is mirror that reflects the ineffable truth of faith and refracts light at high values \u200b\u200bof Christian life. For this reason, S. House of Loreto is the first shrine of international scope dedicated to the Virgin (ibid., n. 1). Are here recalled the messages of the rich biblical and theological teaching-Loreto of some popes, first of John Paul II.

Cradle Immaculate

The venerable House of Nazareth in Loreto is identified by tradition with the one in which the Virgin Mary was born and educated and then greeted by the Angel Gabriel '. He also reiterated Julius II in 1507 and, later, several popes.

the home of all the adopted children of God

It 's a reason dear to the theological teachings of John Paul II who has returned more than once. The House of the Son of man is the Universal House of all adopted children of God The story of every man, in a sense, it goes through the house. The history of humanity in that house renews its ranks. The Church in Italy, to which Providence has connected the sanctuary of S. House of Nazareth, finds there a vivid memory of the mystery of the Incarnation, by which every man is called to the dignity of the Son of God

In San Justo Argentina

the statue of Our Lady of Loreto came three years ago in Cathedral. Sunday, December 13 in a solemn procession celebrated Our Lady of Loreto full of faith and devotion. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Bishop Baldomero Carlos Martini, accompanied by Father Fabrizio Pesce.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Small Twilight Quotes

San Michele Arcangelo di Sant'Angelo
Patron Le Fratte


The first records of the village date back to Medieval II (XI - XII century).. The first historical document to officially speak of Casale di Sant 'Angelo Le Fratte Baroni contributors to the catalog of ships in the holy land, made during The reign of William II the Good (1178-1188). Then come and Coupon Angevin Angevin Registers of the Registry. From these we learn that Roger II, ascended the throne in 1130, organizes the whole State in Giustizieri. The ancient Lucania is divided into six Giustizieri: Basilicata, Terra d 'Otranto, Terra Bonaventure, Monaco, Jordan Land, the Land of Crato. What principles include all countries in the Meander Valley. E 'therefore legitimate to consider the format Casale di Sant'Angelo Le Fratte in the first half of the eleventh century, albeit with very small population and inhabited. The battle of Benevento (1266) is the fact that more has made history: it sees as opposed Charles I of Anjou to Manfred, illegitimate son of Frederick II. Defeated the latter, Charles entrusts the agro to his captain, Nicholas Janville with the jurisdiction and the title of count is the first ladies of which we have news.


do not know how and when the house took its present configuration and description. Sure point of reference for its development is the Chapel of the Angel or Archangel S. Michele, situated in the lee of mountain Crapineto. Unknown is the precise point where it is kind. The abbot Giacomazzi merely says that in his time the chapel was moved to the administration of the "ancient and noble family Mangieri, keeping the name.
So is the influence of the devotion to the Archangel in our ancestors by naming their agglomeration S. Angelo.

products typical of the Mediterranean are the typical elements of traditional Sant'Angiolese such as pasta, bread, olive oil. Should be remembered among other things, cheeses, cured meats, lamb and goat, or vegetables. The typical dishes of the country are: Lagan and chickpeas, cavatelli, the ciambotta el `lamb farmers. The party

The patronal feast in honor of St. Michael the Archangel, held Sept. 29, the feast day, and May 8, day of penance, instituted after the earthquake of December 1857 at the behest of the population as a supplication to the saint that would protect the town from further disaster;

The festivities, preceded by a novena, are deeply felt by the citizens, and in particular, fellow citizens for work, they had in the past to transfer their residence abroad or in Northern Italy.

These, in fact, a number of years for strong attachment to their land, their history, to the Christian faith, traditions of the place, ensure their presence to honor the Patron Saint. Sunday, October 11 near Villa Luzuriaga (San Justo), the community of the villagers was found in the Stella Maris parish church to pay homage to San Michele. The President Jose Laurino has presented the new banner of the saint who was blessed by parish priest Fr Robert Cullari.

Friday, October 16, 2009

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San Michele Arcangelo Sant `Arcangelo, Potenza

Sant 'Arcangelo is located on a clay hill, located in the middle of the Agri valley and occupies a middle position between Metapontina the plain and mountainous area of \u200b\u200bViggiano. The village is dominated by a strip of flat land planted with vegetables and fruit of every kind. About two kilometers from the town, stretching San Brancato new center for urban expansion. Between el VII 'VIII century was Gastaldato Lombard, in the eleventh century constituted one of the 12 counties where the state was divided in 1829 was Norman and feudal domination of the Della Marra.
From 1517 began naming principles Carafa, which lasted until 1638.
The country from which the promoters of the feast of St. Michael the Archangel in Argentina has a very active community life, and also own a newspaper, the "Ventunora. That same spirit continues to permeate the children of Basilicata is present in Argentina. The feast of St. Michael, celebrated Sunday, Oct. 4 at the seat of the homonymous association, has gathered a large group of faithful. Federico La Rocca at the end of the celebration Eucharistic sang traditional hymns to St. Michael. The festivities were held in a atomosfera of joy and serenity.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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santonofresi I celebrate the Holy Cross


Originally the site was inhabited by Byzantine monks, who had a monastery here. We have found remains of earlier settlements in small quantities. The town takes its name from a hermit, the Sant'Onofrio Cao, who had taken this name in honor of Sant'Onofrio anchorite. It was called "the Cao" in the area because there is a slope, like a ravine, called in ancient times by Greek Chaos. Currently in the locality "Cao" is a well equipped with tanks, in which women, until a few years ago, went to wash.

cuisine of SANT'ONOFRIO

Being an agricultural area, the cuisine is based mainly on agricultural products, sometimes "poor", and the pig. The latter is processed according to the traditions, especially during a holiday that involves the whole family, to produce sausages of various kinds, most of which contained a large amount of chili. The traditional pasta are fileja, a fresh pasta dough without eggs and then spun on a wooden stick to make them take the shape of a helix. Is served with sauces of various kinds, mainly meat. Other typical components of the traditional cuisine are beans, sometimes flavored with wild herbs, and peppers. During the Christmas holidays, the day of the Immaculate Conception on, are made of fried sweet potato, called cururicchi. Christmas dinner is characterized by the presence of thirteen different courses, with permanent presence of dishes made with cod and vegetables.


The costumes are primarily focused on local religious festivals. In addition to the traditional procession on the day of Easter, before the noon mass, has staged the Affruntata, a depiction of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As usual in several municipalities in the area, addressed the shoulder is performed bringing statues of saints. In the '80s, after a heavy snowfall, a large branch of an olive tree broke. Found on the trunk, according to some, it appeared the face of Jesus Christ. In that area, a place of pilgrimage for some time, a chapel was built. Main party of the country, as well as that of the patron saint, is the feast of the Holy Cross held the last Sunday of September. The festival in honor of the Cross was celebrated for the first time in 335, during the "Crucem" Golgotha, and that of the 'Anastasis, that is the Resurrection. The dedication took place December 13. The term of "exaltation", which translates the greek hypsòsis, the party moved to the West, and from the seventh century, it wanted to commemorate the recovery of the precious relic made by the Emperor Heraclius in 628. Cross stolen fourteen years before by the Persian King Khosrow Parviz, during the conquest of the Holy City, the tracks were lost permanently in 1187, when he was taken to the Bishop of Bethlehem who had brought the Battle of Hattin.
Today's celebration takes on a meaning significantly higher than its legendary discovery by the pious mother of Emperor Constantine, Helena.
Even this year, this association santonofrese celebrated the ancient feast of the Exaltation of the Cross'. In an atmosphere of deep concentration and devotion, santonofresi were found Saturday, September 19 for the Mass in memory of the faithful departed and Sunday 20 for the solemn celebrations in the home renovated and decorated by the generous efforts of the committee. After the Mass and the procession, the traditional meal has collected about 300 people living in the widening of the homonymous association.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Esky Honey Bee Manuel

St. Peter and St. Paul

A bit of history ... (

Domenico Paletta said u quarararu in 1881 inaugurated the sad phenomenon of migration . Savellese was the first to leave Italy for Argentina, I went after him others, then others. Fathers, husbands, children left the country with increasing intensity so that the beginning of the 900 family that there was not one of its members had emigrated. Women who remained in the country receiving remittances from their loved ones with whom they raised their children and sometimes lived in affluence, many after a few years did not know anything of a spouse and waited in vain for a letter, saluto.Molte were women who sang :

'Merica, who burned you via king fire king
Cuomu fuocu ago' vrujiara mmie;
A llu lu I keep my good lluocu
It is llu 'be my king luntanu
Rille you are or you are lluocu vein nde
O really has run scurdatu and my
Rille There is addimmura n'atru puocu,
The bone ce bit ', and no Truva r'a mmie!

It is estimated that since 1881 have taken about ten thousand savellesi to emigrate: it was a continuous flow, which suffered a decline during the Fascist period. It was mainly directed to Argentina, only a limited number of people went to North America and Australia. Since the sixties many laborers, farmers and artisans, with accompanying family, Savelli have left for France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the so-called industrial triangle of northern Italy. Every householder has worked hard in the coal mines of Belgium, the Fiat of Turin, with any fixed idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to study their children to ensure their future than their own, without more certainty. It 'was this faith that helped them in the hard task of immigrants: they deserve all our eternal gratitude.


Savellesi I came to Argentina have maintained their traditions. They founded this association savellese in honor of patron saints Peter and Paul. Sunday, September 13 on delayed because the swine flu was in celebration of the homonymous association. In the seat of the P. Fabrizio celebrated the Mass and accompanied the procession with the priest in the area. Then there was the traditional lunch. The President of the association Francisco Rotundo has stressed the importance of young people in associationism and dedicated himself completely to the success of the celebrations, which have received a large number of banners coming from near and far groups, and members of FACIA Faca.

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Feast of Our Lady of Pettoruto

The celebration of our parties in Argentina are always a good opportunity to learn more about the 'origin of our devotions. Here is an excerpt of the history of the Shrine of Our Lady of Pettoruto (
The Sanctuary goes back centuries. Built in 1274 says Barillaro, on the initiative of the Abbey of Acquaformosa was enlarged between 1633 and 1646, destroyed by an earthquake in 1783 and rebuilt in 1834, was restored in the late nineteenth century and again rebuilt and enlarged from 1920 to 1929.
Other historical sources mention an addiction to the Shrine of Pettoruto the "granary" of the Cistercian Abbey of Acquaformosa Monastery since 1226, from grange in 1348 and eventually became Commenda Consistorial in the seventeenth century.
is at this time that some manuscripts refer to as the canonical and the archpriest Cerbello Cristofaro, which tells of the discovery of the statue, carved in stone by a fugitive Altomonte, Nicola Mairo that, in the ardent desire to see recognized his innocence , as well as the sculpting saw: suffused with a mystical and maternal smile with big eyes penetrating gaze, his face broad and calm confidence-inspiring mother.
The statue of the Madonna was found by a shepherd deaf Scalea, Joseph Labazia who, feeling called by name from a woman's voice, discovered among the oaks, miraculously regained his hearing and speech and was the first to practice and disseminate devotion to Our Lady. It was built a small chapel which was later expanded to its present imposing building high Basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1979. The Episcopal Conference
Calabria, promoted him to the Sanctuary region.
The faith of devotees of Our Lady was heard again this year. Sunday September 6 at the headquarters of the San Isidro Club SOIVA, this association of the same name has been a credit to his Madonna with the traditional procession. The Mass, celebrated in the esplanade of the club, was packed with people. The tent placed in the center of spiazziale, where it was placed the statue after the Eucharistic celebration, is turned into a place of pilgrimage throughout the day. Meanwhile, the al fresco dining, live Italian music and dance have welcomed the wonderful evening of friends and devotees.

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San Giovanni Battista di Gizzeria
The country and devotion

Gizzeria, it has ancient origins, while being part of an area of \u200b\u200bgreat archaeological importance. The only definite information of the first constitution of the country do not go beyond the Byzantine period. Is very controversial, even the etymology of the name Gizzeria. Some people considered to be derived from the greek = Izwsios located. The shape
Izar is instead due to migration from Albania. In Norman times the name was, by contrast, Yussaria. Subsequently derived from IZAR Jzaria (1510), then mutative, for phonetic reasons, or in Jazzaria Jizzeria. The current name is in use since 1753.
The history of the country after the destruction by the Saracens, which occurred towards the end of the year one thousand and specifically the 981, according to some historical sources say, is mainly centered in the first centuries, the monastery of St. greek
Nicholas, a small cluster of a few people, mostly housed in barns and hovels. The monastery, which stood on land belonging to the Knights of Malta, first had a life of its own, which lasted until Robert Guiscard, Latinized, the granted to the famous Benedictine abbey of St. Eufemia. Around this community, was developed as the first nucleus of Gizzeria, a country that had no further development, however, had it not been strengthened by the contribution of some
Albanian refugees who have come in the Italian south to quell the revolt of the barons of Calabria, led by Antonio Centelles, who had rebelled against the king of Naples, Alfonso I of Aragon.
The cult of St. John the Baptist, soon spread throughout Christendom, and many cities and churches were named after them: the village church of Gizzeria is one of them.
Many are also the patrons, the most important of which include: • Due
Apparel camel skin, which by itself and sewed the belt, is the patron saint of tailors, furriers, tanners.
• For the lamb, the wool carders.
• To the banquet of Herod that caused his death, is patron of hoteliers.
• For the sword of punishment, manufacturers of knives, swords, scissors.
• A hymn in his honor gave Guido D'Arezzo inspiration for the names of musical notes: Ut Re Mi La Sol ago Yes, and it is the patron saint of singers. Laxis queant
UT - Resonare fibris - Mira gestorum - Famula tuorum - Solve chickens - LAbii reatum - Sancte Johannes
baptizer • How is the patron saint of orphans who were abandoned at the gates of the Baptistery. •
is patron of the Order of Malta.
This devotion, which we have gathered some reallocation of history and spirituality, was celebrated Aug. 31 at Virreyes. On a hot Sunday afternoon there was the procession and mass. Even if the climate party was broken by the disappearance of the wife of Antonio Scumaci, founder and president of the Center for many years the Italian Catholic Virreyes. Those present joined in prayers for Antonio to be close in this time of sorrow.

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La Madonna della Quercia

This devotion arrived in Argentina thanks to the faith and tenacity of many devout Italian has a rich history of Christian spirituality. Let us remember in recent history. In 1984, May 27, Pope John Paul II during his visit to Viterbo, he wanted to crown the Madonna and Child paintings on tile back in 1417. Many devotees of the saints and the blessed Holy Virgin. Oak: Blacks Philip, Charles, Paul of the Cross, Ignatius of Loyola, Marescotti Jacinta, Lucia Filippini, Rosa Venerini, Lucia da Narni, Columba of Rieti, Camillo de Lellis, Domenko of the Mother of God, Crispin of Viterbo, Maximilian Kolbe, Vincent M . Strambi, Jose Maria Escriva, Lorenzo Salvi et al.
Among the news in the history of the sanctuary, we can not forget the great loss that Lanzichenecchi, then wiped out by a hailstorm outstanding at the foot of Monte S. Angelo near Bagnaia, provides the Monument in 1527-1528.
Sometimes the monument suffered the outrage of the war in early 1800 by French soldiers in the wake of Napoleon and by partisans in 1867.
Another sad incident was robbery, committed on Christmas Eve of 1700, which yielded a huge haul for thieves. In fact all gold and silver in the church were stolen and the tile of the Virgin was cleared of all precious stones, which the faithful had won. In the repair was made a feast during which crowned the Lady (1706). Ominously
to this day, between 1970 and 1980, the sacrilegious hands have done twice what they had done worthy companions in 700.
The devotion of the Madonna della Quercia had a greater resonance and also arrived in distant parts of Europe. In fact, in Ascona (Switzerland) worships a picture of the Virgin of the Oak, painting, it is said, by Fra Paolino da Pistoia that the Dominicans led by Viterbo in 1550.
Every year on the second Sunday in September, the day we commemorate the "Benefits of the Holy Image of Our Lady of the Oak", many cities and countries, with their fraternity, participating in the procession of thanksgiving, called the 'Covenant' s Love ", the Mayor of Viterbo, on behalf of all attendees, renew old consecration, all made by the High Lazio back in 1467.
Even here in Buenos Aires, distant land, whither came the `Madonna della Quercia, the same name` Association celebrated the feast in his honor at the Shrine of the Mother of Emigrants to Boca. Sunday, August 31 devotees gathered for the Mass and procession. The lunch, held in the hall near, was a big success and joy. Among those present to remember Bishop Velasio De Paolis, Bishop Scalabrini engaged in the Vatican, passing through Buenos Aires for a conference in the University Catholic wanted to share lunch with the members of the Madonna della Quercia.

Friday, September 4, 2009

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Ring Gardetta

Tuesday '1-Aug-09

A marvel of a ring, a classic to be repeated every year and every year you give us some changes, variations, in packages more 'or less depending on the desire, mood, mental and physical balance that has ...

protagonists Apo, Roby, Andrea, Tino, Elda


- Apo and the Rocca Meja -

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Trail of 'engineer!

Sunday 30-Aug-09

- A view of Varanasi and Cogoleto - ________________________________________

Well, what an odd name .... a path x ! Honestly I would have preferred something like: Squirrel Path ....! Anyway ... I tell you tomorrow, now sleep!

September 3: resume, but only posting pictures and saying the trip I called the "Hill of the stone square."
Albisola-Celle-Varazze-Cogoleto-Arenzano (on Aurelia cheppall)-area Hospital-Via Pegoraro-park-entrance fee ornithological center-hill about 420m square stone-(Apo) single-track diff. OC-up Arenzano Cogoleto-waterfront Europe until Varazze-Celle-Albisola
Km total: about 45
Hm.: Around 550

- Going up, from Arenzano already 'in the Park Beigua ramps up pretty tough -

- short portage -

- nice single-track over the pass -

- signs, we are just at the 'square stone' -

- to embark on the path just for the 'Lagu by Tina 'very exposed! -

Invitation Card Of Lohri

Monte Beigua (II)! Hill Top

Saturday 29-Aug-09

- Madonna della Guardia and illuminated in stark contrast to the leaden sky where we are -

And here we go again, Beigua in 3, left early, to Alpicella clouds looming large, and .... Fact-there-we take to get up at Pra 'Riondo for at least 4-5 km .. arrived at the Refuge the ubiquitous pie (blueberry I) do not ... we do miss Here on the antennae, and ... June 'again, despite the slippery ground, for the' local ', always beautiful and never boring! We close with the 'usual' (I from Albi) approximately 60 km x 1500 m Hm ... A few fotuzza soon!

- a beautiful wall in June 'from the "local" -

Thursday, August 27, 2009

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the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes

the evening of August 15 the Italian Catholic Centre of Virreyes celebrated forty years.
Mass is celebrated in Italian once a month in the Church of St. Therese of Lisieux, was officiated by Father Costanzo Tessari, Scalabrini, whose sermon was down deep in the heart of all the faithful who attended the sacred rite. Among the many present will remember the presidents and representatives of Italian Catholic associations in the area, the director of the public school where the Catholic Center provides courses in Italian, Dante Alighieri, the President of the San Isidro Mario Canonico.
After having fed the soul of the people of the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes have stopped in the parish hall to celebrate the achievement, while President Joseph Laurino greeted them one by one.
The founding members present were presented the new banner that was placed at the corner where forty years ago he decided to found the Italian Catholic Center.
At this point the club's secretary, Norma Novello, who was one of the first students of Italian language courses, said the following:
"Four years ago he was born, in the old parish hall of the church, the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes of the result of the desire of a priest of the order of the Scalabrini Fathers, Father Vittorio Dal Bello and a group of young people of Italian origin, who met together to participate in the festivities in honor of St. John the Baptist.
Mr. Bruno Manelli, was its first president, one of the enterprising young people were: Fausto De Angelis, Antonio Scumaci, St. Francis, Frank Picarelli, Leopoldo De Gori, Jack Perticaro and others. Fausto De Angelis and Francesco Picarelli were then, respectively president and vice president the following year.
It is the first meeting set for August 30, 1969 and Aquilina Ms. Mastroianni, proposed to celebrate Mass in Italian on the third Saturday of each month. The then secretary Antonio Scumaci, which over time has received the honor of knighthood, drew up the primary and the deputy secretary Fausto De Angelis has advised that the first Commission shall remain in office for two years.
Councillor has suggested that St. Francis, after the monthly Mass in Italian the faithful gather in the old parish hall, and that it would serve as a meeting point for the Italian community together to share a coffee and some sweet remembering the beloved homeland.
The Centre has continued to broadcast everything that the founders had set: in the words of Bishop Scalabrini "wherever there is an Italian Bring the comfort of faith and the smile of the Fatherland," to know the language, art and the Italian culture, Italians give advice so that they can forward the relevant practices in Italian offices, squeeze as much as possible fraternal ties between Italy and Argentina, stand the work of the Italians, to enhance their efforts to achieve economic stability and promote growth of the nation Argentina without ever forgetting the land that gave birth and who were forced to leave for several reasons. How
cultural extension in 1974 has resulted in the refectory of the family of the Club de los Leones, in Santa María de Oro, Virreyes, the free Italian courses required by the then medical student, and Professor Rose Palermo occasion, friends of the Centre attended the Mass presided by the diocesan Father Luís María Tridents.
Since 1983, the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes gives its Italian language courses, school No. 21 of Virreyes, which lends its facilities. The courses are four levels: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. This year the students of 1 º and 2 º year were divided into two, with a total of 6 groups .. With this celebration, the Center would like to pay tribute to the founding members, all members of the committees, that have taken place over time, to all those who gave their time and made enormous efforts to realize a dream, to professors, to infinity of students who have studied and are studying in the Centre and especially to the three founding members here present: Leopoldo De Gori, Aquilina Mastroianni, who still holds the position of vice chairman and of which we remember the deep faith and his desire to transmit it, and the cav. Scumaci Antonio, who was president of the Center for almost thirty years.
say Italian and say Virreyes is a source of pride for people cha part of the Centre and today Italian and Virreyes are words that you always think together, as are Italy and Argentina.
That the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Migrants, St. Therese and Holy Trinity bless this center to continue working for Virreyes and throughout the Italian community.
Thank you all for joining us in the Mass and for being humble in these celebrations.
Many thanks to all and good night! "
After spending pleasant moments together, it's late and people have returned home.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Sleep In A Thong


Friday' 21-Aug-09
I'm back!
Well, a lot of time and 'been since I tried to open this blog ... now I try to take it back, e. .. who knows' that does not grow ...

Apo-Chronicle of a Friday 'leave to spend "well"!

  • work (uhhhh, that stomach ache!)
  • 3 days in MTB Gran Paradiso ('ZZO, but ... I'll be' ready? Some work obligations and ... I also do not psychologically prepared to turn back time, I shot back, it will be 'some other time, so' I inquire to the 'youths' who are facing the ...)
  • Hill Vallonetto avec LucianoS, ClaudioF & PietroM
decide for a third option: ** ** Elder Hill Vallonetto by

- Collage -

We performed in 4, the undersigned (Apo) with the legendary "Sava-rinox" Claudio-leg steel (CAI Venaria) and the newly-born-serious biker PietrusM, the magnificent collar ring Vallonetto concerned. Caldazza a day characterized by strong, but other than that, we come to the report, impressions, comments.
Part of the climb, well, I've seen appear a 23% climb on the white gravel on VDO 'brutal' Elder who suffered from "taking" almost 250 meters. about 2.2 km in altitude. ! In short, a gradual warming ...!

- Going against the backdrop of Mt Bersaio -

Following the dirt road becomes more 'human with slopes typical of military roads.
We stand at a height of 1915 meters Pilone place in a beautiful section exposed on the steep and inaccessible slopes next to the frighteningly June Bersaio reduction 'up the valley.

- the pylon, below us the vertiginous slopes toward the valley floor -

arrive pasture (Gias Vallonetto) and we drink, and continue climbing at an altitude of around 2300 we start to see on our. left through the spectacular we're going to take them to 'a little.
The dirt-and-now 'opened up and he gets on the Hill of sauces Blancias bike and then it is' totally pedaled up to the hill without having to take the portage path on the push-up as a couple of years ago.
We refreshed by reading the poetic relationship to the Colle del Bobo / Braccus and we take the ride down to the crossroad that would take us "on 'dirt highway" of Gardetta, but, as indicated by "B & B" instead we just uphill to cross the spectacular that will take us' to Vallonetto Hill (m. 2510) along a spectacular single-track which is often given on the precipices of the valley below ( raptures ...!).

- the spectacular single-track to the Col Vallonetto -

After the hill we throw ourselves into the Valley of Servagno above us dominate the Oserot, Rocca Branca, Lower Terrarossa ... At some point in the descent, I'd say about half an hour after covering single-track and a fair number of beautiful hairpins technicians (one particularly espostoooo, pay close attention), it slips into the 'flush of the river this winter where there' was a huge franone and then the trail and 'almost disappeared and so I' need to improvise and the crossing then meet to arrive at Gias after which we take the next GTA coming down along the valley of Servagno where the inevitable technical hairpins bind us with great satisfaction until you reach the SS. Maddalena where (sigh!) we expect the hot asphalt to get back to cars.
Around us excited, and 'was spectacular and great satisfaction!

- the exciting and technical hairpins towards the end of descent -

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Large Cyst On Golden Retriever


Calajunco -
Panarea Eolie Islands (Aeolian Islands)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trojan Condom Size Mm

The forest lost

Towards the crest of the pit
Santa Marina Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tecnik Dishwasher Manual


We invite you to the salon and catering events Stefano Pesce
in its websites:

Los invite a Conocer el salón de Catering y Eventos de Stefano Pesce

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sharking Japanese Craze

I open the window e. .. Six and forty

Alicudi - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)
In the distance Filicudi