Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Is There A Rash On My Forehead

San Justo celebrate the Madonna di Loreto

The shrine of Loreto preserves, according to ancient tradition, the House of Nazareth Madonna. The earthly dwelling of Mary of Nazareth was made up of two parts: a cave dug into the rock, which is still venerated in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, and a stone house in front.
According to tradition, in 1291, when the crusaders were finally expelled from Palestine by the loss of the Port of Accona, the brick house of the Virgin carried you, "for angelic ministry, first in Illyria and then in territory of Loreto (December 10, 1294).
Today, according to new guidance documents, results of archaeological excavations in the subsurface of S, House (1962-65) and philological studies and iconography, is increasingly confirming the hypothesis that the stones of the Holy House were transported to Loreto by ship, to human initiative.
John Paul II in his Letter to the VII Centenary of Loreto, addressed to Mgr. Pasquale Macchi, Archbishop of Loreto, 15 August 1993, wrote: "The Holy House of Loreto is not just a relic, but also a precious icon Concrete" (No. 2).
E 'relic because it is "rest", that is what remains of the house of Mary of Nazareth. E 'icon for it is mirror that reflects the ineffable truth of faith and refracts light at high values \u200b\u200bof Christian life. For this reason, S. House of Loreto is the first shrine of international scope dedicated to the Virgin (ibid., n. 1). Are here recalled the messages of the rich biblical and theological teaching-Loreto of some popes, first of John Paul II.

Cradle Immaculate

The venerable House of Nazareth in Loreto is identified by tradition with the one in which the Virgin Mary was born and educated and then greeted by the Angel Gabriel '. He also reiterated Julius II in 1507 and, later, several popes.

the home of all the adopted children of God

It 's a reason dear to the theological teachings of John Paul II who has returned more than once. The House of the Son of man is the Universal House of all adopted children of God The story of every man, in a sense, it goes through the house. The history of humanity in that house renews its ranks. The Church in Italy, to which Providence has connected the sanctuary of S. House of Nazareth, finds there a vivid memory of the mystery of the Incarnation, by which every man is called to the dignity of the Son of God

In San Justo Argentina

the statue of Our Lady of Loreto came three years ago in Cathedral. Sunday, December 13 in a solemn procession celebrated Our Lady of Loreto full of faith and devotion. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Bishop Baldomero Carlos Martini, accompanied by Father Fabrizio Pesce.


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