Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Small Twilight Quotes

San Michele Arcangelo di Sant'Angelo
Patron Le Fratte


The first records of the village date back to Medieval II (XI - XII century).. The first historical document to officially speak of Casale di Sant 'Angelo Le Fratte Baroni contributors to the catalog of ships in the holy land, made during The reign of William II the Good (1178-1188). Then come and Coupon Angevin Angevin Registers of the Registry. From these we learn that Roger II, ascended the throne in 1130, organizes the whole State in Giustizieri. The ancient Lucania is divided into six Giustizieri: Basilicata, Terra d 'Otranto, Terra Bonaventure, Monaco, Jordan Land, the Land of Crato. What principles include all countries in the Meander Valley. E 'therefore legitimate to consider the format Casale di Sant'Angelo Le Fratte in the first half of the eleventh century, albeit with very small population and inhabited. The battle of Benevento (1266) is the fact that more has made history: it sees as opposed Charles I of Anjou to Manfred, illegitimate son of Frederick II. Defeated the latter, Charles entrusts the agro to his captain, Nicholas Janville with the jurisdiction and the title of count is the first ladies of which we have news.


do not know how and when the house took its present configuration and description. Sure point of reference for its development is the Chapel of the Angel or Archangel S. Michele, situated in the lee of mountain Crapineto. Unknown is the precise point where it is kind. The abbot Giacomazzi merely says that in his time the chapel was moved to the administration of the "ancient and noble family Mangieri, keeping the name.
So is the influence of the devotion to the Archangel in our ancestors by naming their agglomeration S. Angelo.

products typical of the Mediterranean are the typical elements of traditional Sant'Angiolese such as pasta, bread, olive oil. Should be remembered among other things, cheeses, cured meats, lamb and goat, or vegetables. The typical dishes of the country are: Lagan and chickpeas, cavatelli, the ciambotta el `lamb farmers. The party

The patronal feast in honor of St. Michael the Archangel, held Sept. 29, the feast day, and May 8, day of penance, instituted after the earthquake of December 1857 at the behest of the population as a supplication to the saint that would protect the town from further disaster;

The festivities, preceded by a novena, are deeply felt by the citizens, and in particular, fellow citizens for work, they had in the past to transfer their residence abroad or in Northern Italy.

These, in fact, a number of years for strong attachment to their land, their history, to the Christian faith, traditions of the place, ensure their presence to honor the Patron Saint. Sunday, October 11 near Villa Luzuriaga (San Justo), the community of the villagers was found in the Stella Maris parish church to pay homage to San Michele. The President Jose Laurino has presented the new banner of the saint who was blessed by parish priest Fr Robert Cullari.


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