Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shampoo And Conditioner Pregnancy

the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes

the evening of August 15 the Italian Catholic Centre of Virreyes celebrated forty years.
Mass is celebrated in Italian once a month in the Church of St. Therese of Lisieux, was officiated by Father Costanzo Tessari, Scalabrini, whose sermon was down deep in the heart of all the faithful who attended the sacred rite. Among the many present will remember the presidents and representatives of Italian Catholic associations in the area, the director of the public school where the Catholic Center provides courses in Italian, Dante Alighieri, the President of the San Isidro Mario Canonico.
After having fed the soul of the people of the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes have stopped in the parish hall to celebrate the achievement, while President Joseph Laurino greeted them one by one.
The founding members present were presented the new banner that was placed at the corner where forty years ago he decided to found the Italian Catholic Center.
At this point the club's secretary, Norma Novello, who was one of the first students of Italian language courses, said the following:
"Four years ago he was born, in the old parish hall of the church, the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes of the result of the desire of a priest of the order of the Scalabrini Fathers, Father Vittorio Dal Bello and a group of young people of Italian origin, who met together to participate in the festivities in honor of St. John the Baptist.
Mr. Bruno Manelli, was its first president, one of the enterprising young people were: Fausto De Angelis, Antonio Scumaci, St. Francis, Frank Picarelli, Leopoldo De Gori, Jack Perticaro and others. Fausto De Angelis and Francesco Picarelli were then, respectively president and vice president the following year.
It is the first meeting set for August 30, 1969 and Aquilina Ms. Mastroianni, proposed to celebrate Mass in Italian on the third Saturday of each month. The then secretary Antonio Scumaci, which over time has received the honor of knighthood, drew up the primary and the deputy secretary Fausto De Angelis has advised that the first Commission shall remain in office for two years.
Councillor has suggested that St. Francis, after the monthly Mass in Italian the faithful gather in the old parish hall, and that it would serve as a meeting point for the Italian community together to share a coffee and some sweet remembering the beloved homeland.
The Centre has continued to broadcast everything that the founders had set: in the words of Bishop Scalabrini "wherever there is an Italian Bring the comfort of faith and the smile of the Fatherland," to know the language, art and the Italian culture, Italians give advice so that they can forward the relevant practices in Italian offices, squeeze as much as possible fraternal ties between Italy and Argentina, stand the work of the Italians, to enhance their efforts to achieve economic stability and promote growth of the nation Argentina without ever forgetting the land that gave birth and who were forced to leave for several reasons. How
cultural extension in 1974 has resulted in the refectory of the family of the Club de los Leones, in Santa María de Oro, Virreyes, the free Italian courses required by the then medical student, and Professor Rose Palermo occasion, friends of the Centre attended the Mass presided by the diocesan Father Luís María Tridents.
Since 1983, the Italian Catholic Centre Virreyes gives its Italian language courses, school No. 21 of Virreyes, which lends its facilities. The courses are four levels: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. This year the students of 1 º and 2 º year were divided into two, with a total of 6 groups .. With this celebration, the Center would like to pay tribute to the founding members, all members of the committees, that have taken place over time, to all those who gave their time and made enormous efforts to realize a dream, to professors, to infinity of students who have studied and are studying in the Centre and especially to the three founding members here present: Leopoldo De Gori, Aquilina Mastroianni, who still holds the position of vice chairman and of which we remember the deep faith and his desire to transmit it, and the cav. Scumaci Antonio, who was president of the Center for almost thirty years.
say Italian and say Virreyes is a source of pride for people cha part of the Centre and today Italian and Virreyes are words that you always think together, as are Italy and Argentina.
That the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Migrants, St. Therese and Holy Trinity bless this center to continue working for Virreyes and throughout the Italian community.
Thank you all for joining us in the Mass and for being humble in these celebrations.
Many thanks to all and good night! "
After spending pleasant moments together, it's late and people have returned home.


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