Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Sleep In A Thong


Friday' 21-Aug-09
I'm back!
Well, a lot of time and 'been since I tried to open this blog ... now I try to take it back, e. .. who knows' that does not grow ...

Apo-Chronicle of a Friday 'leave to spend "well"!

  • work (uhhhh, that stomach ache!)
  • 3 days in MTB Gran Paradiso ('ZZO, but ... I'll be' ready? Some work obligations and ... I also do not psychologically prepared to turn back time, I shot back, it will be 'some other time, so' I inquire to the 'youths' who are facing the ...)
  • Hill Vallonetto avec LucianoS, ClaudioF & PietroM
decide for a third option: ** ** Elder Hill Vallonetto by

- Collage -

We performed in 4, the undersigned (Apo) with the legendary "Sava-rinox" Claudio-leg steel (CAI Venaria) and the newly-born-serious biker PietrusM, the magnificent collar ring Vallonetto concerned. Caldazza a day characterized by strong, but other than that, we come to the report, impressions, comments.
Part of the climb, well, I've seen appear a 23% climb on the white gravel on VDO 'brutal' Elder who suffered from "taking" almost 250 meters. about 2.2 km in altitude. ! In short, a gradual warming ...!

- Going against the backdrop of Mt Bersaio -

Following the dirt road becomes more 'human with slopes typical of military roads.
We stand at a height of 1915 meters Pilone place in a beautiful section exposed on the steep and inaccessible slopes next to the frighteningly June Bersaio reduction 'up the valley.

- the pylon, below us the vertiginous slopes toward the valley floor -

arrive pasture (Gias Vallonetto) and we drink, and continue climbing at an altitude of around 2300 we start to see on our. left through the spectacular we're going to take them to 'a little.
The dirt-and-now 'opened up and he gets on the Hill of sauces Blancias bike and then it is' totally pedaled up to the hill without having to take the portage path on the push-up as a couple of years ago.
We refreshed by reading the poetic relationship to the Colle del Bobo / Braccus and we take the ride down to the crossroad that would take us "on 'dirt highway" of Gardetta, but, as indicated by "B & B" instead we just uphill to cross the spectacular that will take us' to Vallonetto Hill (m. 2510) along a spectacular single-track which is often given on the precipices of the valley below ( raptures ...!).

- the spectacular single-track to the Col Vallonetto -

After the hill we throw ourselves into the Valley of Servagno above us dominate the Oserot, Rocca Branca, Lower Terrarossa ... At some point in the descent, I'd say about half an hour after covering single-track and a fair number of beautiful hairpins technicians (one particularly espostoooo, pay close attention), it slips into the 'flush of the river this winter where there' was a huge franone and then the trail and 'almost disappeared and so I' need to improvise and the crossing then meet to arrive at Gias after which we take the next GTA coming down along the valley of Servagno where the inevitable technical hairpins bind us with great satisfaction until you reach the SS. Maddalena where (sigh!) we expect the hot asphalt to get back to cars.
Around us excited, and 'was spectacular and great satisfaction!

- the exciting and technical hairpins towards the end of descent -


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