Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Esky Honey Bee Manuel

St. Peter and St. Paul

A bit of history ... (savellionline.it)

Domenico Paletta said u quarararu in 1881 inaugurated the sad phenomenon of migration . Savellese was the first to leave Italy for Argentina, I went after him others, then others. Fathers, husbands, children left the country with increasing intensity so that the beginning of the 900 family that there was not one of its members had emigrated. Women who remained in the country receiving remittances from their loved ones with whom they raised their children and sometimes lived in affluence, many after a few years did not know anything of a spouse and waited in vain for a letter, saluto.Molte were women who sang :

'Merica, who burned you via king fire king
Cuomu fuocu ago' vrujiara mmie;
A llu lu I keep my good lluocu
It is llu 'be my king luntanu
Rille you are or you are lluocu vein nde
O really has run scurdatu and my
Rille There is addimmura n'atru puocu,
The bone ce bit ', and no Truva r'a mmie!

It is estimated that since 1881 have taken about ten thousand savellesi to emigrate: it was a continuous flow, which suffered a decline during the Fascist period. It was mainly directed to Argentina, only a limited number of people went to North America and Australia. Since the sixties many laborers, farmers and artisans, with accompanying family, Savelli have left for France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the so-called industrial triangle of northern Italy. Every householder has worked hard in the coal mines of Belgium, the Fiat of Turin, with any fixed idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to study their children to ensure their future than their own, without more certainty. It 'was this faith that helped them in the hard task of immigrants: they deserve all our eternal gratitude.


Savellesi I came to Argentina have maintained their traditions. They founded this association savellese in honor of patron saints Peter and Paul. Sunday, September 13 on delayed because the swine flu was in celebration of the homonymous association. In the seat of the P. Fabrizio celebrated the Mass and accompanied the procession with the priest in the area. Then there was the traditional lunch. The President of the association Francisco Rotundo has stressed the importance of young people in associationism and dedicated himself completely to the success of the celebrations, which have received a large number of banners coming from near and far groups, and members of FACIA Faca.


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