Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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La Madonna della Quercia

This devotion arrived in Argentina thanks to the faith and tenacity of many devout Italian has a rich history of Christian spirituality. Let us remember in recent history. In 1984, May 27, Pope John Paul II during his visit to Viterbo, he wanted to crown the Madonna and Child paintings on tile back in 1417. Many devotees of the saints and the blessed Holy Virgin. Oak: Blacks Philip, Charles, Paul of the Cross, Ignatius of Loyola, Marescotti Jacinta, Lucia Filippini, Rosa Venerini, Lucia da Narni, Columba of Rieti, Camillo de Lellis, Domenko of the Mother of God, Crispin of Viterbo, Maximilian Kolbe, Vincent M . Strambi, Jose Maria Escriva, Lorenzo Salvi et al.
Among the news in the history of the sanctuary, we can not forget the great loss that Lanzichenecchi, then wiped out by a hailstorm outstanding at the foot of Monte S. Angelo near Bagnaia, provides the Monument in 1527-1528.
Sometimes the monument suffered the outrage of the war in early 1800 by French soldiers in the wake of Napoleon and by partisans in 1867.
Another sad incident was robbery, committed on Christmas Eve of 1700, which yielded a huge haul for thieves. In fact all gold and silver in the church were stolen and the tile of the Virgin was cleared of all precious stones, which the faithful had won. In the repair was made a feast during which crowned the Lady (1706). Ominously
to this day, between 1970 and 1980, the sacrilegious hands have done twice what they had done worthy companions in 700.
The devotion of the Madonna della Quercia had a greater resonance and also arrived in distant parts of Europe. In fact, in Ascona (Switzerland) worships a picture of the Virgin of the Oak, painting, it is said, by Fra Paolino da Pistoia that the Dominicans led by Viterbo in 1550.
Every year on the second Sunday in September, the day we commemorate the "Benefits of the Holy Image of Our Lady of the Oak", many cities and countries, with their fraternity, participating in the procession of thanksgiving, called the 'Covenant' s Love ", the Mayor of Viterbo, on behalf of all attendees, renew old consecration, all made by the High Lazio back in 1467.
Even here in Buenos Aires, distant land, whither came the `Madonna della Quercia, the same name` Association celebrated the feast in his honor at the Shrine of the Mother of Emigrants to Boca. Sunday, August 31 devotees gathered for the Mass and procession. The lunch, held in the hall near, was a big success and joy. Among those present to remember Bishop Velasio De Paolis, Bishop Scalabrini engaged in the Vatican, passing through Buenos Aires for a conference in the University Catholic wanted to share lunch with the members of the Madonna della Quercia.


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