Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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San Giovanni Battista di Gizzeria
The country and devotion

Gizzeria, it has ancient origins, while being part of an area of \u200b\u200bgreat archaeological importance. The only definite information of the first constitution of the country do not go beyond the Byzantine period. Is very controversial, even the etymology of the name Gizzeria. Some people considered to be derived from the greek = Izwsios located. The shape
Izar is instead due to migration from Albania. In Norman times the name was, by contrast, Yussaria. Subsequently derived from IZAR Jzaria (1510), then mutative, for phonetic reasons, or in Jazzaria Jizzeria. The current name is in use since 1753.
The history of the country after the destruction by the Saracens, which occurred towards the end of the year one thousand and specifically the 981, according to some historical sources say, is mainly centered in the first centuries, the monastery of St. greek
Nicholas, a small cluster of a few people, mostly housed in barns and hovels. The monastery, which stood on land belonging to the Knights of Malta, first had a life of its own, which lasted until Robert Guiscard, Latinized, the granted to the famous Benedictine abbey of St. Eufemia. Around this community, was developed as the first nucleus of Gizzeria, a country that had no further development, however, had it not been strengthened by the contribution of some
Albanian refugees who have come in the Italian south to quell the revolt of the barons of Calabria, led by Antonio Centelles, who had rebelled against the king of Naples, Alfonso I of Aragon.
The cult of St. John the Baptist, soon spread throughout Christendom, and many cities and churches were named after them: the village church of Gizzeria is one of them.
Many are also the patrons, the most important of which include: • Due
Apparel camel skin, which by itself and sewed the belt, is the patron saint of tailors, furriers, tanners.
• For the lamb, the wool carders.
• To the banquet of Herod that caused his death, is patron of hoteliers.
• For the sword of punishment, manufacturers of knives, swords, scissors.
• A hymn in his honor gave Guido D'Arezzo inspiration for the names of musical notes: Ut Re Mi La Sol ago Yes, and it is the patron saint of singers. Laxis queant
UT - Resonare fibris - Mira gestorum - Famula tuorum - Solve chickens - LAbii reatum - Sancte Johannes
baptizer • How is the patron saint of orphans who were abandoned at the gates of the Baptistery. •
is patron of the Order of Malta.
This devotion, which we have gathered some reallocation of history and spirituality, was celebrated Aug. 31 at Virreyes. On a hot Sunday afternoon there was the procession and mass. Even if the climate party was broken by the disappearance of the wife of Antonio Scumaci, founder and president of the Center for many years the Italian Catholic Virreyes. Those present joined in prayers for Antonio to be close in this time of sorrow.


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