Friday, March 27, 2009

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San Nicodemo

St. Nicodemus of Mammola

The Patron Saint's Day in honor of St. Nicodemus Basilian abbot takes place every year on March 12, in memory of his death at age 90, namely on March 12 990 in the ancient Monastery of Mount Keller Limina in the highlands of the territory of National Park of Mammoth.
The annals say that Theophanes and Panda were the parents of Nicodemus, who was born in CirĂ² (Catanzaro) in the early tenth century, they entrusted the spiritual care of a pious and learned priest, Galashiels, while the boy progressed in science sacred and piety. He entered the monastic life, he asked the abbot austere monastic habit s. Fantino, but was repeatedly rejected this request because it was not considered suitable for the life of study, penance and mortification, given his frail physique. Disappointed but not convinced, persisted through the good auspices of other monks, until s. Fantino moved by her entreaties, gave him the 'angelic dress, "so named from the Greek monks of that time. Nicodemus became
with s. Nilus of Rossano, shining example of the ascetic life Mercurion, raised and trained both the strict school of Abbot St. Fantino, they share with other holy monks Calabrian-Sicilian made famous in all Christendom their community, so that Orestes, patriarch of Jerusalem described praised, in his authoritative writings and biographies.
Despite the seventy years nell'asprezza the ascetic life, Nicodemus lived about 90 years, many in those days and in spite of his frail physique, died in the monastery of Mammoth, which then took its name, March 25 990.
Miracles flowers on his grave and then was proclaimed a saint, then there were all the procedures that are needed today. In 1080 the Normans turned the small chapel with his tomb, in a large church, restoring the monastery and by granting privileges and property. The
relics were moved to Mammoth in the church in 1580 that proclaimed her patron in 1630, setting the liturgical feast on March 12. The popes over the centuries bestowed special indulgences on the occasion of his party and other celebrations.
The Town of Mammoth in 1884 made artistically decorate the chapel, relics of a survey was conducted May 12, 1922 in the coincidence of the inauguration of the rebuilt and beautified the church.
Here in Argentina, through the efforts of migrants mammolesi, devotion to St. Nicodemus of Mammoth has remained intact, and every year the Association mammolese honors its patron saint. This year the headquarters of the association was Cinquefrondi the ideal place for a party, held between friendship and cordiality Sunday, March 15. The Mass was followed by the traditional dinner and dancing in the open.


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