Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enter Registration Proshow Gold

Madness ultras at Marassi, Italy-Serbia suspended

12/10/2010 - What was supposed to be the evening's European Championship qualifying match, played in Genoa in Italy and Serbia, had very little calcium. Without the players and very active people over the Serbs, who have literally hijacked the Marassi, first forcing the referee to delay the start of the meeting of 37 'and then to stop after just six minutes, when the network now has become torn an entry point in the field of flares.
The first signs of impending guerrilla warned even before the entry of fans from Belgrade, when the news began to circulate of 3 stops and 15 wounded in clashes with Serbs Police (or even the visiting supporters have painted the wall of the Palazzo Ducale). But the situation worsens at the stadium, where 1,600 of the Red Star ultras in the field host, began to throw smoke bombs to the nearby northern tier, filled with Italian supporters. Soon launching the interesting field, until the explosion of a bomb map, which reveals the inability of firefighters to control the situation.
At that point, police in riot gear, argues the sideline beyond the fence that the fans enjoy themselves foreign to hit a locked.
This is the picture of the situation that the players, still unaware, located just off the pitch. Several players Serbs, including Stankovic and Krasic, trying to calm their supporters, applauding. But the truce lasts achieved very little. So, at 21:27, the game resumed but with difficulty: the public Serbia blue whistles every time the opposing team touches the ball, until, at 6 ', the race was stopped again because of smoke in the field and in the corners, and 21:38 at the national competition Scottish Thomson makes the final decision to suspend the meeting.
The scuffles, as expected, there were even after the suspension of the game. Outside the stadium, in fact, the Serbs have faced a hundred supporters of Italian ultras throwing bottles and smoke bombs. Some away fans have also climbed over the turnstiles in search of physical confrontation, forcing police in riot gear formed a cordon to divisiorio also using armored vehicles.
TAKEN "BLACK MAN": It's called Ivan Bogdanov - 13/10/2010 - It was the undisputed star of the night in Italy, Serbia, constantly taken by the cameras with the hood and the black T-shirt with the skull and moves the boundary between man and primate. We saw it perched on the network industry guests, and then cut it with a socket and from there, with his muscular physique full of tattoos, throwing smoke bombs in a field, while the other ultras Serbs helped to scupper the evening of football provided. But Ivan Bogdanov, "the black man", the "terrible" as many call it, at the end of his evening, was unable to escape the police, who have tried all night to find it, to 2.30, in the luggage compartment of bus dell'ultmo fans Serbs remained in the square of the Ferraris. The agents were sent down from the bus and all passengers had ordered him to remove his shirt, to recognize the tattoos of Ivan immortalized by the cameras, but none seemed to correspond to the image of the person sought. Then the twist: Ivan was hidden in the boot, the last bus. The applause of the onlookers and insults, "the black man" of the Red Star was plated and dragged along with several bags with paper bombs and flares, back to the Marassi stadium. Then Ivan the Terrible was taken to jail, where he later explained: "I have nothing against Italy, I have it with my team. I love my country. "

Photos taken by Gazzetta.it
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