Monday, December 14, 2009

How Do Make A Slide Projector

Our Lady of Loreto

Monte Grande celebrates its Santa

The history of Santa

Santa Barbara was born in Nicomedia (now or Ismita Kocaeli in Turkey) in 273 AD. His private life, intent to study, work and prayer, the girl described as barbaric, that is not Roman. It was a name of contempt. E 'is the name we received from his own. Between 286-287 Santa Barbara moved to the country villa as his father Scandriglia Dioscoro, fanatical pagan, was a collaborator of the emperor Maximian Herculean. The latter had given him rich and vast estates in Sabina. Dioscoro a tower built to defend and protect Barbara during his absences. The original project consisted of two windows which turned three (in reference to the Cross) as per the wish of the girl. It was also built a beautiful pool in the shape of the Cross. Both the window and the bath were nothing more than symbols of Christianity to which she had converted. Tradition says that right in the tub Barbara was baptized for the vision of St. John the Baptist. The body is venerated in Santa Barbara, since 1009 in the Venetian church of S. John the Baptist in Torcello. The relic of the skull was kept, the first in a wooden chest and then in a metal, in the church of S. Barbara of the Library. With the removal the parish of St. Barbara, which took place September 15, 1594, the relic was brought to San Lorenzo in Damaso. The reliquary of silver, partly gilded silver and bronze, is attributable to the first half of the sixteenth century. The Diario Romano (1926) tells S. Mary Traspontina, in the altar dedicated to her, a fragment of an arm. Some famous relics of St. Barbara are stored in a box set of the twelfth century, Treasury of St. Giovanni in Laterano. The town of Santa Barbara ( In the middle of the Cilento, the slopes of Monte Sacro, along the banks of the river Bruca. The sources they want it arose at the hands of Italian-Greek monks from the East fleeing from persecution. The birth of the town is almost certain, to be moved further back in time, namely the ancient period. The Focei, in fact, used to trace what is today called the "Salt road" looking for wood to feed their yards and, in one of these trips, probably settled on the banks of rivers and Bruca Palistro. The starting point for the history of safe small town is 1005. It goes back to that year, a diploma with which the Prince of Salerno Guáimaro III gave the abbot of the monastery of Cava Santa Barbara. The highlight of Santa Barbara was the church named after the patron saint "Church of St. Elijah the prophet." Today this is no longer visible. On the afternoon of February 22, 1958, in fact, lightning struck the bell tower that fell on the church also demolished some years later. In memory of the fallen church, but mostly as a devotion to the protection given to their children in the country on February 22 is celebrated Santa Barbara.

The festival in Argentina

A Monte Grande for years the same name in Santa association celebrates its sanctuary dedicated to her. In a beautiful sunny day Sunday, December 6, devotees gathered for the traditional procession, followed by the Eucharistic celebration. The missionary Scalabrian praised Santa Barbara primarily as patron saint of miners, remembering his office with the great works of the Italian firm "Ghella," which is being made to rehabilitate the river Maldonado. The company has in fact already begun to dig huge tunnels from below the city to reach parts of the city suffering for years the problem of flooding. The miners, engineers and the Italian company has always had as a patron of Santa Barbara.
Devotees of Santa Barbara have felt proud of this project, there is a credit to Argentina. After the Holy Mass was followed by lunch, accompanied by a good Italian music and dancing.

Why Is There A Rash On My Forehead

San Justo celebrate the Madonna di Loreto

The shrine of Loreto preserves, according to ancient tradition, the House of Nazareth Madonna. The earthly dwelling of Mary of Nazareth was made up of two parts: a cave dug into the rock, which is still venerated in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, and a stone house in front.
According to tradition, in 1291, when the crusaders were finally expelled from Palestine by the loss of the Port of Accona, the brick house of the Virgin carried you, "for angelic ministry, first in Illyria and then in territory of Loreto (December 10, 1294).
Today, according to new guidance documents, results of archaeological excavations in the subsurface of S, House (1962-65) and philological studies and iconography, is increasingly confirming the hypothesis that the stones of the Holy House were transported to Loreto by ship, to human initiative.
John Paul II in his Letter to the VII Centenary of Loreto, addressed to Mgr. Pasquale Macchi, Archbishop of Loreto, 15 August 1993, wrote: "The Holy House of Loreto is not just a relic, but also a precious icon Concrete" (No. 2).
E 'relic because it is "rest", that is what remains of the house of Mary of Nazareth. E 'icon for it is mirror that reflects the ineffable truth of faith and refracts light at high values \u200b\u200bof Christian life. For this reason, S. House of Loreto is the first shrine of international scope dedicated to the Virgin (ibid., n. 1). Are here recalled the messages of the rich biblical and theological teaching-Loreto of some popes, first of John Paul II.

Cradle Immaculate

The venerable House of Nazareth in Loreto is identified by tradition with the one in which the Virgin Mary was born and educated and then greeted by the Angel Gabriel '. He also reiterated Julius II in 1507 and, later, several popes.

the home of all the adopted children of God

It 's a reason dear to the theological teachings of John Paul II who has returned more than once. The House of the Son of man is the Universal House of all adopted children of God The story of every man, in a sense, it goes through the house. The history of humanity in that house renews its ranks. The Church in Italy, to which Providence has connected the sanctuary of S. House of Nazareth, finds there a vivid memory of the mystery of the Incarnation, by which every man is called to the dignity of the Son of God

In San Justo Argentina

the statue of Our Lady of Loreto came three years ago in Cathedral. Sunday, December 13 in a solemn procession celebrated Our Lady of Loreto full of faith and devotion. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Bishop Baldomero Carlos Martini, accompanied by Father Fabrizio Pesce.