Thursday, May 14, 2009

How To Remove Mucus On Throat Of Newborn

feast of the town

The feast of the "Cinta "

The celebration of the "Cinta" is a festival that takes place every first Sunday of May and it seems to have originated in the second half of the seventeenth century, revival, then,
more enthusiasm after the earthquake of 1783. At that time, those places were struck by a terrible famine, followed by plague, so the people of those lands decided to place themselves under the high protection of the Madonna. A unique pilgrimage, also formed by the inhabitants of neighboring districts, Pettoruto and hurried to the foot of the Madonna was entrusted to a "fence" symbolic, a wall against evil, hence the name "Cinta". The disease is not ideally crossed those borders wide open, and with the return of spring bloom and everything returned to a miracle. Since then, the first Sunday in May, continues this tradition and go in procession to thank the Virgin. A young girl dressed in white makes a wicker basket lined with white silk and adorned with flowers containing a long string soaked in wax: the "BELT". The girl, with the sacred burden on the head, leaving the mother church preceded by the priest and followed by the faithful and walk along the old road that leads to Pettoruto. Here it is celebrated a solemn Mass and blessed the "boundary", which is then reduced to small pieces and distributed to the faithful to turn in times of great need. This festival a time was also celebrated in other neighboring towns, but for some years now only takes place in San Sosti.
In Argentina, the community of San Sosti has kept this tradition alive. In fact, Sunday, May 3, on a cool morning, the little people of the devotees of Our Lady of Pettoruto met in his chapel of San Isidro to celebrate Mass and then go in procession to the site of the Abruzzi, where there was the lunch. Dellassociazione The President pointed out, in particular, the efforts of Frank Ali, who, despite their mother's illness, he worked for the success of the party.


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