Thursday, May 21, 2009

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Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Festival in Buenos Aires Santarcangelo

Association Santarcangelo

Feast of St. Michael the Archangel

Sunday 10 was held in the offices of the Association, in José Enrique Rodó 7339, the feast of St. Michael the Archangel the patron saint of Saint Archangel (Potenza).
Federico La Rocca, delegate Facia, because the president was in Italy, as the host received his guests and fellow citizens.
The day started with an S. Mass celebrated by the chaplain of the Italian community father Fabrizio Pesce.
In his sermon, the priest pointed out that to live according to the religion, is not only fundamental to the attendance of the rites, but it is very important to follow the example of Jesus and doing works of mercy.
The sacred ritual ended with the hymn sung by St. Michael's almost everyone present. This was followed by a luncheon, during which the president has phoned from Italy Roberto Cifarelli and greeted his fellow countrymen. Latino Tony began to brighten the afternoon from the moment of sweet and was very good.
It was a wonderful opportunity to meet again, the memories and happiness. The St. Michael's Day is May 8, but Santarcangelo of Buenos Aires, if falls on a Sunday is celebrated the first feast day and the next the first Sunday of October the procession.
St. Michael the Archangel is the patron of the country because he was the patron saint of the Lombards, who, in the second half of the seventh century, converted to which until then was a village in a lovely craft and commercial center.
The Association was founded in 1971, when immigrants from that center have decided to bring the villagers to rebuild in part the social atmosphere they had left.
The founding members were Michele Zitarosa, Sansonelli Vito, Francesco Lo Bridge, Nicola Bruno, Lucia Cifarelli, Vincenzo Viggiano, Federico La Rocca, Francesco Briamonte, Nicola Bruno and the sisters: Rose, Josephine and Victoria "Colegio Beato Vicente Grossi "and others.
Federico La Rocca and his wife

Federico La Rocca met his wife, Rosa Russo twenty minutes after his arrival in Argentina.
Mrs. Rosa is Amendolara, Prov. Cosenza. The couple are the first Association to have completed 50 years of marriage. Their golden wedding was celebrated in 2001 by Giuseppe Tomasi father of an Italian father and Serena. Federico La Rocca on June 7 will turn 60 in Argentina.

Monday, May 18, 2009

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Sunset Pollara - In the distance Filicudi
Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

Friday, May 15, 2009

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Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

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Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

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Filicudi - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

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Panarea - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

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Malfa - Salina - Isole Eolie ( Aeolian Islands - Italy)

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Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)
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Salina - Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands - Italy)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

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feast of the town

The feast of the "Cinta "

The celebration of the "Cinta" is a festival that takes place every first Sunday of May and it seems to have originated in the second half of the seventeenth century, revival, then,
more enthusiasm after the earthquake of 1783. At that time, those places were struck by a terrible famine, followed by plague, so the people of those lands decided to place themselves under the high protection of the Madonna. A unique pilgrimage, also formed by the inhabitants of neighboring districts, Pettoruto and hurried to the foot of the Madonna was entrusted to a "fence" symbolic, a wall against evil, hence the name "Cinta". The disease is not ideally crossed those borders wide open, and with the return of spring bloom and everything returned to a miracle. Since then, the first Sunday in May, continues this tradition and go in procession to thank the Virgin. A young girl dressed in white makes a wicker basket lined with white silk and adorned with flowers containing a long string soaked in wax: the "BELT". The girl, with the sacred burden on the head, leaving the mother church preceded by the priest and followed by the faithful and walk along the old road that leads to Pettoruto. Here it is celebrated a solemn Mass and blessed the "boundary", which is then reduced to small pieces and distributed to the faithful to turn in times of great need. This festival a time was also celebrated in other neighboring towns, but for some years now only takes place in San Sosti.
In Argentina, the community of San Sosti has kept this tradition alive. In fact, Sunday, May 3, on a cool morning, the little people of the devotees of Our Lady of Pettoruto met in his chapel of San Isidro to celebrate Mass and then go in procession to the site of the Abruzzi, where there was the lunch. Dellassociazione The President pointed out, in particular, the efforts of Frank Ali, who, despite their mother's illness, he worked for the success of the party.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Mamma Schiavona

At almost 1300 meters high in the chain of feverfew, Irpinia in the Apennines, between huge mountains which form authentic bastions of the plateau, the stands most famous shrine in southern Italy, in place that at the time of the great Latin poet Virgil, there was a temple dedicated to Cybele, goddess of nature and fertility.
Virgil who was a connoisseur, he went up several times on this plateau that bears his name, leaving its commitments to Naples to find seedlings to distill the aromatic elixir of life, then in later centuries and still today, the brothers produced by distilling the liquor Benedictine typical of the place.
It was not easy to climb up there on those mountains of Irpinia, but due to stop for a rest, you could restore your spirit with the breathtaking views from there you can admire, from Vesuvius, close to Avellino, the entire Gulf of Naples and the wonderful islands of Capri, Ischia, Procida and then the vast fertile plains of Campania.
In early 1000, arrived in this mountain a young pilgrims in Palestine, but by God's hijacked here, William of Vercelli.
wearing a habit he visited the shrines of Italy Northern, then went to Spain to S. Santiago de Compostela and on his return he decided to go all over the country to go to the Holy Land, but its up here Jesus appeared to him telling him to stop and erect a shrine to the Virgin instead of the one dedicated to the Pagan Great Mother.
William character was not easy and after destroying the existing temple with the idol, came to bishops and popes, to implement the original intent and built a small church to the Virgin Mary. He founded a monastic organization sprang from the trunk, which he called the Benedictine Congregation Verginiani; the fame of these hermits - monks spread throughout Southern Italy and Sicily.
San Guglielmo exhibited in the church for the veneration of the faithful, a small image of Our Lady, in the last decades of the twelfth century was replaced by a beautiful table, where the Virgin is crowned in the act of feeding the baby, this board is kept in the museum Sanctuary and is called 'Our Lady of s. William '. The holy founder of Monaco died June 25 of 1142 probably in the monastery of St. Salvatore in Goleta (AV), while the first pilgrims climbed Mount feverfew, more and more.
Montevergine soon became the parent company of 50 small monasteries that were gradually founded, but was able to impose the reality of their existence to the popes and kings Naples, calling for independence.
The wood of the Madonna was replaced in 1300 by imposing an image on a table of significant proportions, representing the Madonna, which will take the title of Montevergine, sitting on a big chair with the child on his lap.
icon came to Montevergine surrounded by legend and devotion were said to be painted even s. Luke, who had known and had dared to portray the Virgin Mary, he would have only the author of the head, but did not dismay over his face, who fell asleep, he had completed the next morning to find mysterious heavenly intervention.
people called "Madonna Brown, "or even said," Mom Schiavona, "and so came to Argentina` s image, from portions of Lomas del Mirador, where a large group of the faithful `has devoted homage. In fact, Sunday, April 19 at the headquarters of the Association of St. John of the P. Montemarano Fabrizio, invited by President Caramel Bonello, celebrated the Mass, which was followed by lunch. `The image of Our Lady of Montevergine shone majestically in the cool, sunny Sunday to the delight of his devotees.

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St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful

`L` Autumn `come from one day to another has granted to the Roots Abbruzzese Association of San Isidro to celebrate St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful` a beautiful sunny day. The fresh air to reconcile the peaceful and festive atmosphere that brought together the Italian-Argentine Abruzzese origin to their beautiful home Sunday, April 19. In the morning there was the Mass celebrated in Italian and presided over by the chaplain of the Italian community. Soon after the procession of San Gabriel has infected the joy of the surrounding neighborhood. The day is followed by lunch in hall of the association. You have to congratulate the new president Antonio D `Alessandro, who despite a beginner, he was attentive to every detail. The Eucharistic celebration and the procession took place in a climate of intense faith and devotion. The participation of this Italo-Argentine community is truly admirable, but particularly their commitment to honor the San Gabriel and give prestige and beauty of the Italian traditions in Argentina.