Saturday, December 13, 2008

Can Someone With Kidney Failure Regain Function

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara

How is tradition , December 7 at Monte Grande, in the sanctuary was celebrated the feast of Santa Barbara. The group of loyalists met at 10.30 am and walked in procession with the saint through the streets of Monte Grande. After the Eucharistic celebration was attended by all the devotees at the shrine, which has always building some improvement, year after year. Indeed, patience and perseverance of the members of the associations of this place is truly admirable! E 'to highlight the work done behind the presbytery. The chaplain of the Italian community has presided over the celebration in a festive atmosphere and an atmosphere of deep prayer. The presence of the choir of the twentieth of September, as well as the wonderful combination with the Orquestra string gave an artistic touch to the celebration and solemn. Moved the faithful celebrated Santa Barbara between applause and hymns of praise to Santa!


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