Monday, December 22, 2008

Edu Science Teleskop Anleitung

Madonna di Loreto

Feast of Our Lady of Loreto
Sunday, December 14

The shrine of Loreto preserves, according to ancient tradition, the House Our Lady of Nazareth. The earthly dwelling of Mary of Nazareth was made up of two parts: a cave dug into the rock, which is still venerated in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, and a stone house in front.
According to tradition, in 1291, when the crusaders were finally expelled from Palestine by the loss of the Port of Accona, the brick house of the Madonna you transported "to the angelic ministry, first in Illyria and then in the territory of Loreto (December 10, 1294). The association of Loreto
San Justo could not, of course, bring Loreto House here in Argentina, but has managed to infuse the spirit of Loreto in the Cathedral of this city, which now houses a year by the statue of Our Lady of Loreto. The festival, held on a warm Sunday in December, began with the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by the chaplain of the Italian community. The Edelweiss Choir paid tribute to Madonna, encouraging atmosphere of meditation and prayer.
Then the community took part in this along with several sister organizations in the procession, held in the square outside. The festivities ended with the bursting of firecrackers and some toast in the gymnasium of a parochial school. Maria Bruno, the president of the Loreto, thanked those present, and especially, the parish priest, Fr Daniel, P. Fabrizio, president FACIA, José Serra, and the chairman of COMITES Morón, Francisco Rotundo.
The presence of Our Lady of Loreto is really significant, because it is perhaps the most devotion 'representative within the Italian community. Thus, the intronizzazzione the statue is not just a symbolic recognition for the Italians in the area, but a milestone in the history of collectivity Italian in Argentina.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Can Someone With Kidney Failure Regain Function

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara

How is tradition , December 7 at Monte Grande, in the sanctuary was celebrated the feast of Santa Barbara. The group of loyalists met at 10.30 am and walked in procession with the saint through the streets of Monte Grande. After the Eucharistic celebration was attended by all the devotees at the shrine, which has always building some improvement, year after year. Indeed, patience and perseverance of the members of the associations of this place is truly admirable! E 'to highlight the work done behind the presbytery. The chaplain of the Italian community has presided over the celebration in a festive atmosphere and an atmosphere of deep prayer. The presence of the choir of the twentieth of September, as well as the wonderful combination with the Orquestra string gave an artistic touch to the celebration and solemn. Moved the faithful celebrated Santa Barbara between applause and hymns of praise to Santa!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Do You Get Fatter Before Your Period

Nueva Exposicion del Centenario de la Muestra

Quinta el Ombu
Municipalidad de San Fernando
Libertador 600

From December 9 to 29
Centenary of the photo exhibition will be on display in the hall
Quinta el Ombu

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Berger Color Paint Chart

Mercury San Coccorino

Mercury San Coccorino

In a day of torrential rain seemed that the feast San Mercurio Martire at San Justo would do without the traditional procession. But no! Sunday, November 30, after ten o'clock the rain stopped suddenly, and so has the refreshing breath coccorinesi rushed to the festivities. How is the traditional lunch was followed by the procession that ended with the Eucharistic celebration. Large group of faithful who gathered in an atmosphere of prayer in the sequel to their saint. Hear the words of former President Cocciolo, especially la nueva image of Our Lady Immaculate, recently brought from Italy. The statue was blessed by the chaplain of "public Italian, who led the precession and presided over the Eucharistic celebration.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Left Eye Keeps On Watering

Vean el video de voice of Italy en Occasion de su cincuantenario

Monday, November 17, 2008

Who Has Died From Zoplicone Overdose

Centenary Pilgrimage Italian

Hundred Years of Pilgrimage Italian
Basilica of Luján

hundred years for a cultural event not just in the history of a country that has about 300. That
the Italian pilgrimage to Lujan is a cultural event started in 1908 by immigrants from Savona and grown exponentially over time, especially after the last Italian emigration to Argentina.
This is the most important cultural and religious event of the Italians in Argentina.
Sunday 9 if n 'is held on the hundredth edition.
The festivities for the first time, begun at 10.20 in the "Cúpula", where the mayor offered an Graciela Red wine 's honor to the Italian Ambassador, Stefano Ronca and our Consul General, Giancarlo M. Curcio. Eduardo
Cimolai, Department of Tourism, thanked those present and spoke about the work that the Directorate of International Affairs of the City Council has made the
FACIA (Italian Federation of Catholic Associations in Argentina), and many members of the Italian community in Argentina, for the realization of the historic event. The Deliberative Council then gave a plaque to Ambassador Ronca, a sign of gratitude and admiration and his representative said: "Today Luján was dressed up to welcome you.
In our hearts the Italian community holds a special place, for you Italians have given the greatest contribution to the development of our country - he added - I hope that after today we can play together more cultural exchanges and study, commercial know-how, etc. ". 'S ambassador Stefano Ronca, responded on behalf of all the faithful present and confirmed that the Virgin of Lujan is in the hearts of all Italians in Argentina.
He then held a procession along Via San Martín, all lined up behind the huge Cristi Genoese, with costumes and banners, in an atmosphere of religious mysticism. So
has arrived in the square in front of the Basilica, where you stopped listening to the words of the bishop of Ischia Filippo Strofaldi. After we had the S. Mass Strofaldi concelebrated by the Bishop and Father Fabrizio Pesce.
For the first time the 4 Cristi Argentina took place near the altar, adding beauty and history of the faith. After the religious ceremony took place the traditional lunch in the Recreation Center "University" of youth.
Among those present were many Presidents of the Italian associations, many faithful, about 5000, very important for the continuation of this important tradition and its organizers, the chairman of the Facia, José Serra, Rosa Maria Grillo, Alicia Cassia, Graciela Fame, all the Council of the Facia and many, many other people, including President of COMITES Morón, Francesco Rotundo
Many thanks to all the presidents of Catholic associations and the faithful who are with us every year to achieve this historic tradition, an act of faith to Our Lady of Luján and a tribute to the emigrants, one hundred years ago that started this extraordinary rite .

Edda Cinarelli

Saturday, September 6, 2008

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Hello bikersss sons,
this and 'the beginning of this blog, I'm a biker, a number of years, but ... now it 's late and after an all-day-long marriage, and' was more 'hard that a 2000 meters of altitude!

For now be content with this, and ... In the meantime, visit ....

ciauz, Apo