Tuesday, January 27, 2009

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Sepino of Santa Cristina, Monte Chingolo. Lanus

Santa Cristina Sepino

The festivities of the association of Monte sepinese Track, realizzatesi Sunday, January 11, are no doubt a good opportunity to rediscover a devotion which has crossed the ocean to enrich the Argentina `s faith, history and culture of sepinesi.
The earliest evidence of Christian faith in the territory of Sepino are documented by the presence, in the fifth century, a bishop's seat in Saepinum, the ancient Roman town Sepino Altilia.
E 'documented, in fact, the settlement in the year 454 of the bishop and in 501 of Proculeius Palladio, who attended the synod held in Rome by Pope Symmachus. Following the Lombard rule, already present in this area in the sixth century, the diocese was likely to fall. The city of
Saepinum, who meanwhile had been named and attached to Altilia Castaldato Boiano, gradually became depopulated as a result of natural disasters including earthquakes and floods.
The town returned to life thanks to the recovery process of agriculture by the Benedictine monastery of S. Sofia of Benevento, who had a home up to Altilia to 1119.
The changed political conditions and the position in plain, easily defensible, but they exposed the city to the continuous raids of the Saracens and decreed, in 882, the final abandonment in favor of a more upstream the birthplace of the "Castellum Saepini", the 'Current Sepino.
At the end of 1089, according to tradition, an exceptional event shook the city of Sepino.
Two pilgrims to the Holy Land from Montpelier and passed through Bolsena, led to the relics of St. Sepino Cristina. The population, venutane aware, made a vow of faith and chose S. Cristina protector.
was January 10, 1099 and from that moment the Church transformed the way in S. Cristina. A
Sepino, Santa Cristina is celebrated with the "crianzola, a dinner organized by the Mayor with the participation of sole head of the family and the country districts, during which they offered wine tasting from local producers in memory of an old custom; there's the delivery of the "bag" the bag is a traditional gift to children of City of Sepino, packed with delicacies and traditional cakes, and finally, the day before the big celebration, the procession of the Virgins: girls dressed white, symbol of purity Holy, after receiving the bag accompany members of the local church, the place of the mass. The mayor goes to gift of the Holy gold, frankincense and myrrh. The bond that unites
sepinesi Lanus of the village of Italy sees them in a twinning bound in brotherhood, where memories are not mutually keeps them united in the celebrations, but also in exchanges. In fact, this year the president of the association sepinese announced the possible presence of the priest and the mayor of Sepino for the next feast of the patron to Lanus. This year the weather was not harsh to the devotees, who celebrated the festival with the traditional Mass, procession and celebrations in the open air.